Many people were searching about money earning application by which they can get Paytm cash. But many of those application pay them for short time and then thay stop to pay money. As a result the user will lost his precious time and data. To fix this problem i am coming to you with a new application.

In this application you have a chance to earn Paytm cash. So now let us have a look about this application. The Name of the application was "ReWords".

About This Application⏩:-

Free Word puzzle game, study English, win rewards.

DOWNLOAD the latest word puzzle game for FREE!This is a perfect word games for word fans.

Rewords is an easy and exciting puzzle game for TRUE WORD geniuses! It starts off as an easy word game and becomes challenging! Exercise your brain and with thousands of challenging word unscramble.

So let us have a look on the sign up process.

How To Sign up⏩:-

To Earn in this application you have to fill up a sign up process. So, now i will tell you how you can sign up in this application.

1) First you have to click on the download link given below. When you click on link you went to Play Store where you have to download this application.

2) After Downloading This Application you have to open it. After open this application you have to Login Via Google.

3) After That you have to go Earning center and click on the redeem button. There you have to verify your Paytm number.

So this is the sign up process now I will tell you how to to earn in this application. so first of all let us have a look on the earning options.

How To Earn ⏩:-

You can get any type of option to earn in this application, Like you have to just watch videos, Download Applications, Play games, and refer to your friends.

So now I will tell you how to earn on this application.

1) ReWords>>

This is the basic Earning method. Here you have to complete some words with some alphabet. You will get 100 coins per words.

2) Refer Friend>>

The last Earning option is refer and earn. You have to just refer your friend and you will get level income from that. So this is a perfect way to earn more. You will get 50₹ each referral.

3) Daily Bonus>>

Most useful option is daily bonus. You can get upto 10000 coins if you are lucky. You have to just click on the daily bonus option and you will get your reward.

4)  Watch Videos>>

Another Cool option is watch videos. You can get 5 times to watch videos. During watch videos you get upto 1000 coins.

So this is the earning options now I will tell you how you can redeem in this application. In this application you have to redeem Paytm cash.


In this application you can redeem Paytm cash. You have to reach the minimum amount to redeem from this application to your Paytm. The minimum redeem of the application is 1₹.

This is the process of earning and redeem. Now if you want to download this application you can click this link given below.

Application link⏩:-

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